Subterranean Termite Treatment
Soil Treatments:
First Choice Inspections uses Termidor, the #1 termite treatment in America. Termidor is the most effective and fastest at controlling subterranean termites inside and around your home.
Before Termidor was made available to American homeowners through Termidor Certified Professionals, it was put through some of the toughest efficacy and environmental tests in history. For 10+ years of testing, Termidor was proven to be effective against subterranean termites, including Formosans, in even the most challenging situations, climates and environments.
About Subterranean Termites
Subterranean Termites are social insects that live in large, underground colonies. Although they could number in the millions, you might never see them or any evidence of them – until you discover that they’ve done serious damage to your home.
Drywood Termites are up to one-half inch long. Drywood termites create colonies in wood and require very little moisture to survive. Unlike Subterranean Termites, they don’t require any direct connection to soil. They eat all types of wood and occasionally other cellulose material like cardboard or books. Drywood Termite infestations can exist for long periods of time before being discovered, often eating wood away but leaving the paint in place.
The most common evidence of Drywood Termites is small piles of sawdust colored pellets that fall from kick-out holes made by the termites. Just one or two pellets is difficult to see, but over time an active colony will create thousands of these pellets making their presence more obvious.
Termite Colonies:
At least one King and Queen are at the center of every termite colony. The Queens sole purpose is to reproduce. Some live for as long as 30 years.
Queens can lay thousands of eggs every year. Eggs hatch into Nymphs.
While in the nymph state, nymphs diverge into different castes: workers, soldiers, reproductives, and supplementary reproductives.
Workers are blind, wingless termites that maintain the colony, build and repair the nest and tubes, forage for food, and care for the other termites. They are the most numerous caste and the most likely to be found in infested wood.
Soldiers are sterile, wingless, and blind. Their sole function is to defend the colony.
These termites will eventually leave the colony as Adult Swarmers. After swarming, they shed their wings and pair up. Each male-female pair attempts to start a new colony.
These termites help increase the population of established colonies and serve as replacements for the King or Queen if they should die.
Is it a termite or an ant?
On the off chance you do see them, remember that it’s easy to confuse termites with ants. Fortunately, there are features that distinguish them.